Download Ebook Modeling Shallow Water Flows Using the Discontinuous Galerkin Method

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Book Details :
Published on: 2014-03-03
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Original language: English

Replacing the Traditional Physical Model Approach Computational models offer promise in improving the modeling of shallow water flows. As new techniques are considered, the process continues to change and evolve. Modeling Shallow Water Flows Using the Discontinuous Galerkin Method examines a technique that focuses on hyperbolic conservation laws and includes one-dimensional and two-dimensional shallow water flows and pollutant transports. Combines the Advantages of Finite Volume and Finite Element Methods This book explores the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method, also known as the discontinuous finite element method, in depth. It introduces the DG method and its application to shallow water flows, as well as background information for implementing and applying this method for natural rivers. It considers dam-break problems, shock wave problems, and flows in different regimes (subcritical, supercritical, and transcritical). Readily Adaptable to the Real World While the DG method has been widely used in the fields of science and engineering, its use for hydraulics has so far been limited to simple cases. The book compares numerical results with laboratory experiments and field data, and includes a set of tests that can be used for a wide range of applications. Provides step-by-step implementation details Presents the different forms in which the shallow water flow equations can be written Places emphasis on the details and modifications required to apply the scheme to real-world flow problems This text enables readers to readily understand and develop an efficient computer simulation model that can be used to model flow, contaminant transport, and other aspects in rivers and coastal environments. It is an ideal resource for practicing environmental engineers and researchers in the area of computational hydraulics and fluid dynamics, and graduate students in computational hydraulics. Redirect support - You may have arrived at this page because you followed a link to one of our old platforms that cannot be redirected. Cambridge Core is the new academic platform from ... Search and Discovery Click below to view list of the following compilations GC Article originally in AAPG Explorer - Geophysical Corner . PS Article originally presented as ... Datapages Browse by Author Search and Discovery B Ba-Bd Be-Bh Bi-Bo Br-Bz . Ba-Bd. Reservoir Continuity Assessment with Mass Moments of Inertia Olena Babak and Clayton V. Deutsch 40659 (2011). 2016-2017 Calendar Course Descriptions. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS; COURSE DESCRIPTIONS. Explanation of course descriptions On the following pages are brief outlines of the courses prescribed ... Meshfree methods - Wikipedia In the field of numerical analysis meshfree methods are those that do not require connection between nodes of the simulation domain i.e. a mesh but are rather ... Willkommen bei proRWTH Frderverein der RWTH Aachen ... Der Rektor der RWTH Aachen zeichnet in jedem Jahr diejenigen Doktoranden der Fakultten die ihre Promotion mit summa cum laude abgeschlossen haben mit der ...
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